Adders are Amazing!

Apologies for this being my first webpage post in nearly a year. I have been using Instagram and Facebook for most news updates of late. Here’s a post from last week…

Adders are amazing! The final painting, for the Adders are Amazing! Project. The original painting is painted on an A3 sheet of watercolour paper using acrylic paints watered down as watercolours. It took 13 days over three weeks, with about 53hrs drawing and painting. And 7hrs admin. Thanks to Dr Sam Langdon Adders are Amazing! Project Coordinator and Dr Angela Julian, Coordinator ARG UK, for the opportunity to contribute to this project. We may sell this as prints, so watch this space if interested. This was quite a large painting job in quite a short turnaround time for me, so it might be my turn to hibernate now! Mx 🐍😉


addersareamazing@addersamazingaddersareamazingarguk#addersareamazing-arguk #arguk #adders #viperaberus #welshwildlife #welshadders #GwiberodGwych#gwiberod #snakeart #adderart #dormouse #glowworm #glow-worm #chough #britishwildlife #wildlifeillustration #wildlife #wildlifeartist #wildlifeart #wildlifeillustrator #snakepainting #adderpainting #viperaberuspainting #ilovesnakes #lovesnakes #lovenature #cutesnakes #beautifulsnakes #britishwildlife #wildlifepainting #lampyrisnoctiluca #zootocavivipara #brambles #guelderrose #rubusfructicosa #vibernumopulus #blackberries #muscardinusavellanarius #pyrrhocoraxpyrrhocorax #chough #hazeldormouse #ulexeuropaeus #commongorse #heather #callunavulgaris #bracken #pteridiumaquilinum #headland #headlandwildlife #stichywitches #gwiber #pembrokeshire

Gwiberod Gwych! Adders are Amazing! (C) Mabel Cheung Harris
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