My paintings from over the past 11 years will be put on sale at my Devon Open Studios ! Will be sad to see them go, but they were only hidden away in folders. Time to let them go out into the wide world! I will have art prints and greetings cards for sale...
Dragons in the Hills
Dragons in the Hills! Two years ago, almost to the day, I was commissioned to paint this for a lovely wildlife conservation community project in Northern Ireland. For more info on the Dragons in the Hills project, follow this link. 🐸🦎🐸🦎 🐸 🦎🐸🦎🐸I am afraid I am guilty of tinkering, again, so have given...
Late summer m-adder-ness!
I have been busy building my MabelArt Teemill shop and started a blog! I have put my wildlife inspired paintings onto ethical and eco-friendly clothing. My aim is to celebrate our wonderful wildlife and raise awareness and raise money for wildlife protection, conservation and generally doing my small bit to help save the planet....
New website!
Thanks to Abigail Wheeler for creating my new website! I just hope I can do it justice and make the most of it by getting painting! M 😉...
Wall mural: Haytor Bluebells & Wild Garlic – almost the end!
**Since this post I did a bit of tinkering by adding a buzzard and a few other creatures, but this was pretty much the finished mural below.** This week I added honeysuckle flowers, a dormouse and a half finished red admiral – approximately 3.5 hours in total. By which point two things happened, which...
Educational resources for Amphibian and Reptile Groups UK
Long time no paint! Family life with two toddlers and day job have not left much time for much time for painting, or anything else. However I am pleased to say, with a lot of help from grandparents and hubby, I managed to squeeze in time to do...
Educational resources for Amphibian and Reptile Groups UK

Painted in Devon, spotted in Kinross, Scotland! At an event run by Fife ARG....
Children’s book illustration workshop at RAMM
Yesterday, yes, I was inspired! Thanks to Exeter Illustrators, Tom McLaughlin, Paul Cherrill and Clare Elsom for their wonderful insight, good humour, and guidance through the world of children’s book illustration at a workshop at the RAMM. They gave me valuable creative and technical advice, whilst we sketched throughout the day. I came away...
Bird sketching day with Mike Langman at Occombe Farm
We spent a beautiful Sunday honing our drawing skills to capture the essence of birds on a bird sketching day with artist Mike Langman at Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust’s Occombe Farm. My mission was to learn how to sketch like a pro and speed up the drawing. I’m a fan of both Mike’s...
‘What’s in your pond?’ New logo!
Do you like peering into ponds, rummaging in the undergrowth or going on a twilight safari? Well look no further, the “What’s in your pond” campaign is for you! The aim is to encourage EVERYONE, including families and schools, to have a look in their ponds for frogs and newts, and any other amphibians...
What’s in your pond has gone live!
If you live in Northern Ireland, you might fancy taking part in this pond survey project “What’s in your pond?” (See previous post!) It kicked off today! If you are located anywhere else and fancied doing a pond survey anyway, find out if there is a local reptile and amphibian group that is organising...
Greater horseshoe bat at Berry Head
Greater horseshoe bat at Berry Head. A leaving card for an amazing colleague off to do valuable research on these enigmatic creatures. My first ever bat painting! And first Instagram post of my artwork! Hope this works… Mx 😉 #greaterhorseshoebats #berryhead #berryheadnationalnaturereserve #southhamsspecialareaofconservation...
Adders are Amazing!
Apologies for this being my first webpage post in nearly a year. I have been using Instagram and Facebook for most news updates of late. Here’s a post from last week… Adders are amazing! The final painting, for the Adders are Amazing! Project. The original painting is painted on an A3 sheet of watercolour...